Saturday, 18 September 2010

Least Privilege Security book review by security expert Kevin Beaver

Another positive review of the book:

I've been reading through Russell Smith's new book Least Privilege Security for Windows 7, Vista and XP and I've realized it's about time for a book on this subject. I've covered some of the material in the past including in my recent tip Should Windows users have full administrative rights? and I know there's content on this topic scattered across various books, articles, etc. but I've never seen a book dedicated to the subject. Pretty cool.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Deploying software to computers without Group Policy

Need a quick way to deploy software to standard users without SCCM or Group Policy? Take a look at PDQ Deploy from Admin Arsenal. It’s free, can deploy MSI, MSP, MSU, EXE and Batch files and monitors installs until they’re complete. Make sure you test your unattended installs thoroughly before pushing them to multiple machines on your network.